Sunday, 11 January 2009

Sunday 11th January, Kentmere

Today I was out in Kentmere with a group training for an overseas expedition. After a prolonged period of good weather in the Lakes it finally changed to being cold, wet and very windy. Due to the poor weather conditions I did not bother taking any pictures today.

We set off from Kentmere Church in relatively calm conditions and headed off up the Garburn Pass before climbing steeply up the gully to reach the flat ground below Yoke. The wind speed had picked up by now and the group were being blown around by strong gusts of wind. The walk up to the summit of Yoke was difficult and after reaching the summit we decided to drop back down into Kentmere valley and go for a low level walk instead.

We found some shelter in an old building at Calfhowe Crags for lunch before continuing up the valley to Kentmere Reservoir. The route back followed the track on the east side of the valley and was walking into the wind and rain for most of the journey back to the cars.

After a quick discussion at the cars we make a group decision to head for Wilf's Cafe for some hot drinks and food.

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